Column Commercial Partners, LLC | 600 17th Street | Suite 2800 South | Denver, CO 80202  | EMAIL


We're Here to Help!

[fa icon="calendar"] 3/20/20 8:50 PM / by Matt Brower

Matt Brower

Dear clients, colleagues and partners -
During these increasingly uncertain times, please use myself and my team as an immediate resource to help save your company money on your real estate. As COVID-19 continues to affect our city, businesses and lives, we are offering a no-cost review of your lease(s) to identify the best strategy to keep business moving forward as well as continue to have a viable space option. Things undoubtedly will continue to change, so please use us as your partner and sounding board as we learn more to provide you with updates as well as speak with your landlord to determine cost-saving options.
Steps to take now:
1. Gather documentation-Prepare documentation that demonstrates the impact that the municipal directives and economic climate, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, is having on your business as well as projections for the rest of this year.  Also, document a proactive plan demonstrating steps your business is taking to reduce the impact. This information may be important to share with your landlord and other entities you are contracted with.
2. Review your lease- Let us review your lease (free of charge) so we can determine if there are any options available, specifically related to the force majeure language.  Unfortunately, it is unlikely that your rent payment can be abated, but there may be other creative options available. 

3. Collaborate as a team- Together we can develop a plan to engage and partner with your Landlord to discuss your potential options moving forward.
Other Considerations:
Mitigate the situation- While we are working to mitigate the financial real estate pressure, discuss and plan other areas where you can reduce the financial impact on your business. For example, contact your insurance company, banker, IT vendor, etc, to discuss any options they may have available for you. If you do not have those vendor contacts, let us know and we can put you in touch with our strategic partners.
If you are interested, we welcome a virtual discussion, whether via phone or zoom to review your situation further. To schedule a 15-minute call, please email with your availability and we will coordinate.
Matt Brower, Managing Broker

Topics: Commercial Brokerage, Column Commercial Partners, Denver Commercial Real Estate, COVID-19, economicrelief

Matt Brower

Written by Matt Brower

Matt Brower co-founded Column Commercial Partners in late 2011, offering clients extensive experience in leasing and sales transactions. Prior to CCP, he served as a leader in the Tenant Advisory Group and Education Practice Group at Grubb & Ellis Company for over 9 years. Matt is also the host of the Industry Alchemist Podcast, collaborating with other disruptive Colorado entrepreneurs.

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