Amy Baglan is driven by a deep desire to help people find more meaningful connections in their daily lives. Listen to her describe the remarkable and winding path she traveled to start MeetMindful, a community for like-minded people who value mindfulness and wellness to meet and create meaningful romantic, platonic or networking relationships. Fast forward to now, another concept was birthed from Amy and the team at MeetMindful. Currently in public beta, Fabriq is a personal relationships manager designed to help people stay in touch and build stronger relationships with the people who matter most. Both companies embody the perfect combination of ethereal connections and today’s technology of digital apps. Don’t miss this inspiring episode.
New Podcast Episode: Interview with Amy Baglan, Founder & CEO of MeetMindful & Fabriq
[fa icon="calendar'] 10/3/19 1:25 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Commercial Real Estate, Mindfulness, podcasts, denverentrepreneur, womanownedbusiness, dating, meetmindful, connection, wellness, fabriqapp, socialwellness
New Podcast Episode: Listen to our Interview with Andy Seth, Founder of Minds Matter & Flow
[fa icon="calendar'] 2/21/19 10:54 AM / by Matt Brower posted in Colorado Entrepreneurs, Denver, Mindfulness, Business, Apprenticeship, Minds Matter, Flow
Our 2nd podcast episode on Colorado A-List is now available on Soundcloud, iTunes and Google Play! Listen to Andy Seth, an entrepreneur who has founded 9 companies including a wealth management firm, a nonprofit organization and a digital marketing company built to provide apprenticeship opportunities for young people. He is authoring a new book called Juice that’ll be available later this year. Hear Andy describe how his childhood has influenced him in his quest to answer the ultimate question - How do I do well AND do good? A vibrant personality, Andy will educate, entertain, and inspire you - all in equal parts!
An Enchanting Office Space
[fa icon="calendar'] 12/11/18 11:55 AM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Denver, Office Space, Workspace, Zen, Work Environment, Mindfulness
Having a work environment that is conducive for doing business is just one part of what makes a business successful. Do you have enough space to be organized? Is it comfortable? Does it reflect the company’s image and values? One of our recent clients, MeetMindful, is a company that brings together like-minded people who value mindfulness and wellness so that they can make meaningful connections for dating, friendship, networking and more. We recently visited them in their new space and were so excited to see how beautiful and cozy their space is that we wanted to share it! They not only relocated to a space that was a better fit, but they have designed a space that promotes the very thing they are providing to their customers; a mindful experience.