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New Podcast Episode: Integrating Ancient Medicine with Talk Therapy

[fa icon="calendar'] 6/28/24 5:21 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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This episode´s guest has an incredible story of impact in the mental health space. After receiving his Doctorate degree in Psychology, Brett Donnelly co-founded Acacia Counseling & Wellness which provides counseling services to college students across the country. Acacia was courted by a strategic buyer and sold, 7 years from inception, to Mindpath.Brett´s journey then took him toward the ethereal realms after having sat in on a plant medicine ceremony. Out of this experience he realized the immense power and opportunity this medicine has in helping shift the limiting beliefs that hold us back from true emotional & psychological freedom.  After additional research and certification, he soon founded, offering psychologist-led, psychedelic-assisted self exploration. This method is becoming a widely-recognized and adopted form of healing…. Even by western medicine.… And Brett is a perfect example of this bridge between ancient medicine and modern psychotherapy.

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New Podcast Episode: The Business of Holding Space for You

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/17/24 3:59 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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Have you ever heard the term “holding space for someone”? In a nutshell, it means to actively listen without judgment.  That is the foundation for the company, Sholder, which is short for “Space Holder.”  Rett Kearbey, Co-Founder of the company, speaks with Matt about an essential need in the human psyche that he envisions being within reach for everyone—someone to talk to.  In this interview, Rett explains some of the research behind this fundamental human need and the delivery platform which he and his team have created.  Take a listen! And for information about Sholder beyond this episode, check out

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New Podcast Episode: Connecting the Head and the Heart for Your Highest Potential

[fa icon="calendar'] 4/5/24 5:39 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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Our guest on this episode has built her career by beautifully blending organizational psychology, cutting-edge business strategies, innate leadership, and a passion for the mind-body-spirit connection that ties everything together.  A great example of the apex of these talents coming together was in the medical industry just as the pandemic hit.  It was a critical time for medical professionals and essential for them to be at work. Aileda's mission at that time was to make sure that the business of running a medical practice was smart and efficient so that the medical staff could most effectively combat the fallout from the worldwide spread of a novel disease. 

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New Podcast Episode: The Art of Mindful Collaboration

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/25/24 2:49 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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“You can have everything in life you want, if you just help others get what they want first.” Michael Graziano paraphrasing the late author, motivational speaker, and sales professional, Zig Ziglar.

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New Podcast Episode: A Conscious Paradigm Shift in How Leaders Think About Their Business

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/26/24 4:31 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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How do you define “success?” Attaining a desired outcome that you have worked hard for? Does that success bring you fulfillment? What if you still have a feeling of emptiness? Finnian Kelly, a successful multi-million dollar entrepreneur and now keynote speaker, author and transformational coach explores this very topic with Matt.  Drawing from Finnian’s own experiences, he describes the profound pivot in his perspective that caused a massive upheaval in his life and set him on a completely new path.  

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New Podcast Episode: Sharing the Knowledge of Wealth from a Wealth of Knowledge and Vision for a Better World

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/5/24 10:59 AM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, wellness, Industry Alchemist, mental health, Wealth Management, Environmental Health

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Matt Brower connects with Ron Carson, CEO and Founder of one of the fastest-growing financial firms, Carson Wealth. Ron describes how he started the company and the underlying theme that has been a major contribution to its success.

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New Podcast Episode: Using Tech to Connect with Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Support

[fa icon="calendar'] 4/7/23 4:45 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

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Inpatient treatment centers for addiction and/or mental health conditions can be a life saving measure.  But once the treatment is complete, then what? A treatment plan looks great on paper, but it’s just that, it’s only a piece of paper! When you return home and to your life, how will you remain accountable to your new habits, stay connected to community support (or develop new community supports), manage your emotions, tackle problems when they arise, and continue other therapies? What if you don't even have access to a treatment center in the first place to start this journey? This is where WEconnect Health steps in to provide long term support for living in your real life whether you experience mild anxiety and stress in the workplace, to being in recovery from addiction. Matt chats with Daniela Luzi Tudor, the Co-founder, about her experience that inspired her to build the company and a place to find all of the tools needed to to help you lead a healthy and joyous life.

Industry Alchemist Podcast: Episode 52
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New Podcast Episode: Connecting Humankind in Gratitude

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/17/23 3:33 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

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Games are a great way to pass the time, have fun with other people, learn, and keep your brain active and healthy. But have you ever considered playing a game specifically designed to get to know others on a more meaningful level?  That is what this interview is all about!

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New Podcast Episode: Actualizing All of Your Brilliance Within

[fa icon="calendar'] 11/18/22 1:25 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

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MaZix Mahalêl possesses a very unique skill set that supports awakened entrepreneurs to be the best version of themselves all of the time so they can manifest their highest vision with ease by guiding them through a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. By taking a look inward, with her guidance, you access the power to break down the stubborn barriers that could be holding you back; and actualize the immense potential you have!

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Industry Alchemist Podcast:

[fa icon="calendar'] 10/21/22 4:20 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Colorado Entrepreneurs, Podcast, Business, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist, startups, Business Owner, Denver Business, women owned businesses

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Hello, Friends and Colleagues-

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