Column Commercial Partners, LLC | 600 17th Street | Suite 2800 South | Denver, CO 80202  | EMAIL


CCP Recently Represented Long-Time Client with Their Austin, TX Lease

[fa icon="calendar"] 5/7/21 12:00 PM / by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson

Column Commercial Partners recently represented (CLE) College Living Experience, a long-time client, with their 8,734 SF lease renewal in Austin, Texas.  Of course, we had the help of our fellow colleagues at Austin Office Space, Inc.  CLE offers a network of support for people with learning differences who are pursuing a college education. The types of support CLE offers are resources for adaptive learning, social skill development, career planning, and independent living. CLE programs are offered in multiple states around the U.S. Thank you, College Living Experience, for the great support you offer to our community and communities across the U.S!

Topics: Commercial Real Estate, college life, social support, supportive network, long-time client

Kinley Donaldson

Written by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson serves as the Transaction and Operations Manager for Column Commercial Partners. She assists CCP brokers with the tenant and landlord representation process, marketing strategies, and company operations. Kinley has been in the commercial real estate industry since 2011 and is a freelance graphic designer for real estate professionals.

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