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New Podcast Episode: The Art of Mindful Collaboration

[fa icon="calendar"] 3/25/24 2:49 PM / by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson

“You can have everything in life you want, if you just help others get what they want first.” Michael Graziano paraphrasing the late author, motivational speaker, and sales professional, Zig Ziglar.

Michael Graziano made it his mission to travel to every country in the United Nations and in so doing became one of the youngest people to visit all 193 countries. To compound that feat, he also secured funding from multiple companies to pay for and document the entire trip by leveraging himself as a contractor to help each company achieve a goal of theirs. Michael’s overarching goal for the project was to share the vast abundance of kindness that is all around the world.  The documentary series, called Global Degree, can be seen here:

Springboarding off of the success of the documentary and continuing to utilize his gift for cross marketing, Michael launched his own PR company called Mindful Media.  Within 12 months the company became a multimillion dollar success!  Michael discusses the intentions behind his company, what has inspired him along his entrepreneurial path, and some of his ideas for his next project. Take a listen!

Industry Alchemist Podcast: Episode 55

Topics: Podcast, Industry Alchemist

Kinley Donaldson

Written by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson serves as the Transaction and Operations Manager for Column Commercial Partners. She assists CCP brokers with the tenant and landlord representation process, marketing strategies, and company operations. Kinley has been in the commercial real estate industry since 2011 and is a freelance graphic designer for real estate professionals.

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