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New Podcast Episode: The Business of Holding Space for You

[fa icon="calendar"] 5/17/24 3:59 PM / by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson

Have you ever heard the term “holding space for someone”? In a nutshell, it means to actively listen without judgment.  That is the foundation for the company, Sholder, which is short for “Space Holder.”  Rett Kearbey, Co-Founder of the company, speaks with Matt about an essential need in the human psyche that he envisions being within reach for everyone—someone to talk to.  In this interview, Rett explains some of the research behind this fundamental human need and the delivery platform which he and his team have created.  Take a listen! And for information about Sholder beyond this episode, check out


Industry Alchemist Podcast: Episode 57

Topics: Podcast, Industry Alchemist

Kinley Donaldson

Written by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson serves as the Transaction and Operations Manager for Column Commercial Partners. She assists CCP brokers with the tenant and landlord representation process, marketing strategies, and company operations. Kinley has been in the commercial real estate industry since 2011 and is a freelance graphic designer for real estate professionals.

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