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New Podcast Episode: Using Tech to Connect with Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Support

[fa icon="calendar"] 4/7/23 4:45 PM / by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson

Inpatient treatment centers for addiction and/or mental health conditions can be a life saving measure.  But once the treatment is complete, then what? A treatment plan looks great on paper, but it’s just that, it’s only a piece of paper! When you return home and to your life, how will you remain accountable to your new habits, stay connected to community support (or develop new community supports), manage your emotions, tackle problems when they arise, and continue other therapies? What if you don't even have access to a treatment center in the first place to start this journey? This is where WEconnect Health steps in to provide long term support for living in your real life whether you experience mild anxiety and stress in the workplace, to being in recovery from addiction. Matt chats with Daniela Luzi Tudor, the Co-founder, about her experience that inspired her to build the company and a place to find all of the tools needed to to help you lead a healthy and joyous life.

Industry Alchemist Podcast: Episode 52

Topics: Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

Kinley Donaldson

Written by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson serves as the Transaction and Operations Manager for Column Commercial Partners. She assists CCP brokers with the tenant and landlord representation process, marketing strategies, and company operations. Kinley has been in the commercial real estate industry since 2011 and is a freelance graphic designer for real estate professionals.

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