Column Commercial Partners, LLC | 600 17th Street | Suite 2800 South | Denver, CO 80202  | EMAIL


New Podcast Episode: A Conscious Paradigm Shift in How Leaders Think About Their Business

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/26/24 4:31 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, Industry Alchemist

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How do you define “success?” Attaining a desired outcome that you have worked hard for? Does that success bring you fulfillment? What if you still have a feeling of emptiness? Finnian Kelly, a successful multi-million dollar entrepreneur and now keynote speaker, author and transformational coach explores this very topic with Matt.  Drawing from Finnian’s own experiences, he describes the profound pivot in his perspective that caused a massive upheaval in his life and set him on a completely new path.  

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CCP Team Spearheading Panama Development

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/19/24 2:43 PM / by Matt Brower posted in Panama, For Sale, Land

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Raya Del Sol Community, a development project in the country of Panama led by CCP´s Co-Founder and Managing Broker, Matt Brower, is taking shape! This beautiful, peaceful community sits just above the secluded Playa Raya Beach in Playa Venao, Panama. With sustainable and regenerative infrastructure being a cornerstone of the vision for the community, home owners are able to create a luxurious property with the added benefits of a community food garden, solar power, regenerative waste water management and short walking paths to the beach and river. For more information on home lots, contact the Raya Del Sol team.

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New Podcast Episode: Sharing the Knowledge of Wealth from a Wealth of Knowledge and Vision for a Better World

[fa icon="calendar'] 1/5/24 10:59 AM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, wellness, Industry Alchemist, mental health, Wealth Management, Environmental Health

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Matt Brower connects with Ron Carson, CEO and Founder of one of the fastest-growing financial firms, Carson Wealth. Ron describes how he started the company and the underlying theme that has been a major contribution to its success.

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Thinking About Your Real Estate in 2024?

[fa icon="calendar'] 12/29/23 3:43 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Commercial Real Estate

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Did you know that Column Commercial Partners has the tools and expertise to analyze any commercial real estate market in the US?  

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CCP Makes the Top 25 List

[fa icon="calendar'] 9/22/23 1:43 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Commercial Real Estate

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Column Commercial Partners (CCP) made the top 25 list for the most square-footage brokered in the Denver Metro area, according to an annual survey by the Denver Business Journal!  The information was compiled this year and was based on brokered transactions spanning from January to December of 2022.  "Our dedication and effectiveness in achieving the best possible results for our clients is certainly paying off. I couldn't be more proud of our team," says Matt Brower, Co-founder & Managing Broker for CCP. 

The company was founded in January of 2012, is based in Denver, and is a full-service advisory firm; meaning all types of real estate transaction services are offered.  With years of experience in the Denver metro area, CCP has market intelligence for managing risk, making decisions, and maximizing research tools to make every consideration in each real estate process.  

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CCP Represented Seller in Lakewood Multifamily Housing Site

[fa icon="calendar'] 8/18/23 7:30 AM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Commercial Brokerage, multifamily, Lakewood

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David Ray of CCP recently represented a business and real estate investor with United Colorado Enterprises (UCE) in the sale of a .74-acre (development-ready) parcel of land at 5701 W Colfax Ave in Lakewood. The sale price included the architectural plans and entitlements for a mixed use development that features 72 residential units, nesting over ground floor retail space.  The master plan was designed by Real Architecture, a Denver based architectural firm.  Construction is scheduled to begin this week under the buyer, a developer with a passion for cutting edge design conceptions. 
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CCP Represents "3 Little Birds" Salon in Purchase

[fa icon="calendar'] 7/5/23 7:30 AM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in lease vs purchase, local salon

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In May, the   3 Little Birds Salon (3LB)  became property owners of the salon space on 17th Ave in Denver which they had been leasing for the past several years.   David Ray of CCP was enlisted to help guide them through their transaction process and advise them about the best approach to purchasing their real estate.
The salon successfully overcame market trials over the past few years. With a retail market that has been rebounding from the economic impact of the pandemic, as evidenced by continued increases in lease rates, they were ready to make the leap from leasing to owning their space and CCP was thrilled to be a part of their milestone!
3 Little Birds Salon has been in business for 12 years, has a friendly, eclectic vibe, and   is dedicated to serving clients with the least possible impact on the environment by using vegan, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly products.
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CCP Represented Returning Client with Lease of Additional Denver Location

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/26/23 5:08 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Colorado Entrepreneurs, Office Space, Denver office space

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Total Document Solutions (“TDS”), founded in 2000, offers a myriad of records management and information governance solutions for highly-regulated companies – both public and private. This includes everything from electronic and physical document storage, digitization, organization, retention, disposition, and more. The company recently set out to separate their document digitizing services from their document storage services into two different Denver locations in order to more effectively serve their clients' needs. CCP represented Total Document Solutions with the new Denver office lease to support this operational change. After helping the client find the most appropriate space for their needs, the CCP team negotiated with the landlord to achieve the best deal terms and concessions.  The new location for document digitizing and data optimization will provide a well-located, professional, and secure office for TDS' clients, who require strict privacy, confidentiality and security provisions for their critical records projects.

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New Podcast Episode: Using Tech to Connect with Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Support

[fa icon="calendar'] 4/7/23 4:45 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

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Inpatient treatment centers for addiction and/or mental health conditions can be a life saving measure.  But once the treatment is complete, then what? A treatment plan looks great on paper, but it’s just that, it’s only a piece of paper! When you return home and to your life, how will you remain accountable to your new habits, stay connected to community support (or develop new community supports), manage your emotions, tackle problems when they arise, and continue other therapies? What if you don't even have access to a treatment center in the first place to start this journey? This is where WEconnect Health steps in to provide long term support for living in your real life whether you experience mild anxiety and stress in the workplace, to being in recovery from addiction. Matt chats with Daniela Luzi Tudor, the Co-founder, about her experience that inspired her to build the company and a place to find all of the tools needed to to help you lead a healthy and joyous life.

Industry Alchemist Podcast: Episode 52
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New Podcast Episode: Connecting Humankind in Gratitude

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/17/23 3:33 PM / by Kinley Donaldson posted in Podcast, entrepreneurs, Industry Alchemist

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Games are a great way to pass the time, have fun with other people, learn, and keep your brain active and healthy. But have you ever considered playing a game specifically designed to get to know others on a more meaningful level?  That is what this interview is all about!

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