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An Enchanting Office Space

12/11/18 11:55 AM / by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson

Having a work environment that is conducive for doing business is just one part of what makes a business successful.  Do you have enough space to be organized?  Is it comfortable?  Does it reflect the company’s image and values?  One of our recent clients, MeetMindful, is a company that brings together like-minded people who value mindfulness and wellness so that they can make meaningful connections for dating, friendship, networking and more.  We recently visited them in their new space and were so excited to see how beautiful and cozy their space is that we wanted to share it!  They not only relocated to a space that was a better fit, but they have designed a space that promotes the very thing they are providing to their customers; a mindful experience. 

Topics: Denver, Office Space, Workspace, Zen, Work Environment, Mindfulness

Kinley Donaldson

Written by Kinley Donaldson

Kinley Donaldson serves as the Transaction and Operations Manager for Column Commercial Partners. She assists CCP brokers with the tenant and landlord representation process, marketing strategies, and company operations. Kinley has been in the commercial real estate industry since 2011 and is a freelance graphic designer for real estate professionals.

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